Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Skye's Surgery is Postponed!

Baby Skye was taken to Washington State University on July 7th for her heart surgery. Much to our disappointment, two emergency surgeries bumped her out of line for having the surgery this week as scheduled. She will have hers on July 16th. The trip to WSU is very long and hot so with saddened hearts, we left Skye at the hospital. We were guaranteed that she would be well taken care of and would get lots of exercise, which she needs to be in tip top shape for the surgery. It was a hard decision but we knew she would be in safe hands. She was already giving everyone kisses and particularly liked the surgeon. After having her for a week, we are sure that the whole cardiac team will be so enamored with her, that she will get extra care during and after her procedure. So,...........we are back to the waiting game. Please check in with us as we will try to post any news we hear from the doctors at WSU.

The WSSTC- Rescue Committee